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When it comes to the addiction process, it is no respecter of persons, and this applies to models.

Substance addiction is simply a condition whereby an individual is hooked on the intake of either drugs or alcohol, for the purpose of satisfying their pleasure. It is possible for an individual to be addicted to both alcohol and drugs at the same time.

It is unpleasant for a model to be addicted to substances but the fact is, most times they cannot help it. Due to the fact that models are in the limelight, there is a lot that needs to be put in place, so that they do not fall out of favor with their fans and the public at large.

One of the major reasons why models are addicted to substances is because of stress. Now, models spend lots of hours undergoing series of preparations.

The reason for this is because they can come out presentable and nice-looking for either a runway or a photo session. So, they need to give it their best shot to ensure it comes out nice.

Now, spending much time getting prepared is often stressful, and models have barely little time to rest.

For the professional ones who have gone far in the industry, their schedules are usually tight, and they might have little ample time to refresh themselves. This is why some of them have been misled to rely on either drugs or alcohol for refreshment.

Truth be told, it feels better at first, but the seemingly positive benefits are only in the short run, because it fades out fast.

Also, another reason why models are addicted is stage-fright and lack of confidence. This particularly happens to runway models.

Some of them find it difficult to face the crowd, and to save their face, they would prefer to take something that would boost their morale. Often times, they take drugs or alcohol to achieve this purpose.


It is very essential for a model to watch his or her health with an Eagle eye. The modelling profession is a very demanding one, and asides the fact that models are expected to exhibit their charisma and charm, their physique is equally important.

When models take healthy diet, exercise on a regular basis, their bodies would definitely perform optimally.

Now, models need to be watchful of what they eat. They can take raw foods and take other nutritious forms of proteins instead of animal fat. It is also beneficial for models to take juices too, because there are lots of nutrients that the stomach takes in.

Basically, food is fuel for our body, being our major energy source. Hence, when our bodies are fueled with the best types of food, they would definitely react in a beneficial way. Therefore, for a model, their skin would become more radiant, their hair would shine, and detoxification would occur more freely.

Asides the physical benefits, taking a healthy diet and regular exercise enhances the mood of a model, which is equally important. For a model, he or she would not experience unpleasant aches that was experienced in the past.

When models go for auditions, clients would typically want to see the best and vibrant side of you. So, it is best for a model to put on a good mood at all times, and a healthy diet with frequent exercise would prevent this.

There are some models who are of the opinion that they need to starve themselves, so that their physique would come out nice.

However, provided you maintain a good diet, or you see a nutritionist for help, you would eat right and have a good stature. The same goes for sticking to an exercise regimen that would help to keep your body in good shape.

To wrap it up, maintaining a good diet and exercising regularly are basic tips that professional models need to follow strictly for a successful career.


Substance addiction could also imply substance abuse, since it also means the excessive usage of substance. Substance abuse is simply the act of using a substance without prescription from a medical personnel. It could otherwise be known as drug abuse. Drug abuse is popularly known to be the use of illegal drugs or the excessive use of legal drugs, which results to an overdose and also wrong drug usage.

Drugs in this case is not limited to the antibiotics and pain killers that we are used to. It refers to any substance (with the exemption of food that provides nutritional upkeep) that when smoked, absorbed, injected, inhaled, or consumed through a patch on the skin, or passed through the mouth, is capable of causing a temporary physiological and psychological change in the body system, either negative or positive.

Professional models are popular public performers that are basically engaged in the promotion and advertisement of commercial products and services, through body-part, fashion, fine art, glamour etc. Some of the medications or substance that professional models are liable to get addicted to could include alcohol, heroin, tobacco, cocaine, opioid pain reliever amongst others.


Such addictions as previously listed could be caused by various incidences, some of them could be anxiety depression, pain, chronic illness amongst others. Substance addiction could be very disadvantageous and detrimental for models, as it could lead to public disgrace, bad reputation, trust issues, death etc. Due to the risk of this, models are encouraged and implored to beware of it and consciously regulate the intake of such substance.


In order for models to checkmate this addiction, there are some symptoms that should be consciously checked. Some of them may include, dizziness, fatigue, mood changes, anxiety and depression. In the case of a chronic addiction to drugs and other substances such as alcohol, it might not be quite easy to withdraw from such addiction.

A sudden withdrawal is not advisable as it requires a gradual process, because it is capable of resulting in some life threatening withdrawal symptoms. Sudden withdrawal from substance addiction can create cold and aggressive shivering, sweating, seizures, sudden heart failure etc.

There are also some risk factors that can increase the chances of developing problem with substance abuse, some are long-term tobacco intake, loneliness and boredom, sleeping issues, mental health issues, disability stress and the likes.

It is recommended to seek the services of a Florida Detox Center for help withdrawing from alcohol or drugs. The professionals at a center in Florida, know exactly what to do and are able to medically supervise the whole process.


Eating disorders in general can be in different forms, and can take different shapes and patterns. It can be in forms like malnutrition, excessive food intakes, and also excessive intake of a particular class of food or recipe. The nature of the food we take in, determines to a large extent how healthy we will be.



Malnutrition is an eating pattern that exists when a person is being fed or nurtured with little or no nutritional standards of food intake, thereby resulting to an abnormal body build-up. As a professional model, some of these things are essential and are not to be treated with levity.

When people keep good nutritional standards and adhere to some nutritional principles, the implication is that they begin to develop and maintain a healthy body structure, which would make the person look very fit and healthy. Such a body maintenance strategy is needed for a model to carry out the duties and daily activities as the profession requires. Therefore, it is quite important for a model to keep good nutritional standards as it will serve as an advantage for the person in the long-run.


Talking about how people eat with reference to the manner at which food is being taken, a high rate of comportment and composure for models, is very key and important. Models are public figures and they would surely have reasons to be present in public gatherings, and as a result of that, the manner at which they handle their eating habit should be ideal. A bad eating habit exhibited by a model can taint the image of such model leading to public disgrace.


Apart from the nutritional criteria which a model needs to keep fit and stay healthy, the eating habit needs to be constantly checked and corrected if not right, in order to maintain comportment and avoid public disgrace.

The quantity or volume and type of food that is being eaten also needs consistent check. When a person takes too much of sugary and fatty foods it could lead to diabetes, obesity and the likes, this means that the person will become prone to diseases and infections, which is not good for a model. Asides the unhealthy state of the person, it will make the person lose form and shape, which is also not advantageous to a model.



Models are social figures who are used in promoting an advert for a commercial product. They serve as an attraction to the adverts of branded products and services. They also display their professional skills via works of art, short multimedia videos, photography amongst others.

Professional modelling is usually considered different form other types of public performance, such as dancing, acting and the likes. However, the difference between such public performances are not quite apparent, partaking in a play or a film cannot in anyway be generalized and directly referred to as “modelling”.


Addiction on the other hand is a neurological brain realignment that is usually characterized by a compelling and gripping engagement to activities. It is a physical and psychological attachment to some activities that are created in the human brain, and according to findings, addiction is an act that results from frequent participation in an activity till it becomes a norm or a habit.

It can be physical and also non-physical. Addictions do not necessarily mean immoral acts as classified by the society, to include any activity that an individual in obsessed with. It could also arise from peer group influence.


Professional models in this contemporary time are featured and displayed in a variety of media designs and formats such as television, newspapers, books, journals, films, internet and magazines. Types of professional modelling can include glamour, fashion, body-part, fine art, advertisement and commercial-print modelling. Looking at the perspective of the public exposure that in involved in modeling, models are relatively prone to being caught up with some addictions knowingly or unknowingly in comparison to other professions.

The nature of the modelling profession has a way of exposing people that are involved in it, to social activities, thereby making models prone to being addicted with some societal activities such as taking of alcoholic drinks, smoking, intake of some popularly known hard drugs such as cocaine, and so on.


Getting addicted as earlier explained could be due to consistent practice of such activity to the extent that it becomes a hobby or norm. When models steadily and regularly partake in social activities as required by their profession, they may likely become relatively predisposed or liable to being addicted to them.

However, where a problem arises there will definitely be a remedy to correct it. Models only need be consciously cautious of the frequency of how they engage in such activities that they may likely become addicted to, and invest the time in other productive activities.


Models seem to have everything going on fine for them, what the rest of the world does not know is, a number of them are “big-time” victims of a poor mental health. However on the outside, everything looks glamorous, with some fans even working on replicating their lifestyles in every possible way. The models in question cannot begin to narrate what they have been through for as long as their mental health problem came into play. They understand how important their public image is, and hence, this problem must be concealed at all times.

The mental health of a models is a huge cause for concern, as the modelling industry is one which can create uncertainties and anxieties. For young models who are new in the industry, they must learn now to tackle this head-on, in order to adjust better when the going gets tough.


ENDLESS REJECTION: One of the regular causes of mental health problems in models, is the endless rejection. No matter how good the result is, irrespective of the modelling category, criticism and rejection are bound to occur. This duo regularly affects models and shrinks their confidence, younger models are at greater risk of this.

THE SOCIAL MEDIA: For models, the number of followers on their social media accounts could be hurtful owing to the fact that they are expected to have plethora of followers. A lot of models crave attention from their fans on the social media and once they don’t receive such on a regular diet, the pain starts eating into them, which eventually leads to insecurity.

DISPOSABILITY: Models are aware of the fact that in the modelling world, no one is really indispensable. There would be a time when younger models would replace the older ones, and the cycle goes on and on in the same way. Hence, awaiting when you would no longer be relevant often causes uneasiness. As new faces emerge in the modelling world, the older faces see this as a threat which cannot be combatted, and hence mental health problem sets in.

For successful models in the modelling world, sharing their story and experience openly, would encourage and motivate models who are still actively engaged. Also, models who are struggling with mental health problems are advised to visit a health specialist before it gets out of hand.



Professional modelling is characterized by a public performance which involves fashion, fine art, body-part, glamour, promotional and commercial print modelling. Professional models are people who are engaged in public presentation and performance, with the aim of promoting and advertising a commercial product, business and other related purposes.

Models are typically regarded to be quite different from other public performers. They are not to be collectively characterized as the same with other public performers such as the musicians, dancers, actors amongst others.


When it comes down to professional models and mental disorder, mental disorder as implied, can be said to be an abnormal state of the human mental capacity which can otherwise be called insanity. It is a behavioral or mental pattern that may cause suffering or an inability to function properly in life.

Mental disorder is not stereotyped to a particular cause, as there are various triggers. Excessive thinking propelled by an inability to share one’s thoughts when depressed, can be the cause of a person’s insanity. It could also be the excessive intake of some drugs and drinks such as cocaine, Indian hemp, caffeine and the likes.


Models are featured in various media platforms such as newspapers, books, films, journals, television and magazines. The nature of the profession requires public display, and is open to public opinions and assertions.
In a situation where a model has done everything needed to go for a stage performance, and ends up getting negative feedbacks from any social media platform such as Twitter, such feedbacks could trend and it could portray the performance as not being up to standard. This could make the person emotionally disturbed, leading to an emotional disorder which would become a mental disorder in the long run.

Models could also be confronted and exposed to taking some drugs, drinks and other substances erroneously, that it becomes too excessive to the extent of leading to irrational behaviors.


As much as modelling can involve emotional depression, it also depends on the individual in question, and how well the person can handle emotional distress. In such situations, the person only needs to take them as corrections and work on becoming better in the profession. In the case of exposure to drugs and drinks, moderation is advised in carrying out such activities.